1. Some-Stuffs

    Because One Stuff Isn't Enough

    Recent Posts

    Pocket Monsters (2019) 027

    Torrent (720p)
    Torrent (1080p)

    Translation: Lord Starfish
    Timing: Lord Starfish, Toa of Gallifrey
    Editing: Puto
    Translation Check: bluesun
    Typesetting: Lord Starfish
    Quality Check: Toa of Gallifrey
    Encoding: Puto

    Pocket Monsters Twilight Wings 06


    Lord Starfish: Translation, Timing
    Puto: Editing
    Toa of Gallifrey: Quality Check
    bluesun: Translation Check

    Pocket Monsters (2019) 026

    Torrent (720p)
    Torrent (1080p)

    Translation: Lord Starfish
    Timing: Lord Starfish, Toa of Gallifrey
    Editing: Puto
    Translation Check: bluesun
    Typesetting: Lord Starfish
    Quality Check: Toa of Gallifrey
    Encoding: Puto

    Pocket Monsters (2019) 025

    Torrent (720p)
    Torrent (1080p)

    Translation: Lord Starfish
    Timing: Lord Starfish
    Editing: Puto
    Translation Check: bluesun
    Typesetting: Lord Starfish
    Quality Check: Toa of Gallifrey
    Encoding: Puto

    Pocket Monsters (2019) 024

    Torrent (720p)
    Torrent (1080p)

    Translation: bluesun
    Timing: Lord Starfish, Toa of Gallifrey
    Editing: Puto
    Translation Check: Lord Starfish
    Typesetting: Lord Starfish
    Quality Check: Toa of Gallifrey
    Encoding: Puto

    Pocket Monsters (2019) 023

    Torrent (720p)
    Torrent (1080p)

    Translation: Lord Starfish
    Timing: Lord Starfish, Toa of Gallifrey
    Editing: Puto
    Translation Check: bluesun
    Typesetting: Lord Starfish
    Quality Check: Toa of Gallifrey
    Encoding: Puto

    Pocket Monsters Twilight Wings 05


    Lord Starfish: Translation, Timing
    Puto: Editing
    Toa of Gallifrey: Quality Check
    bluesun: Translation Check

    Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 02: Mutsukabe Hill (Blu-Ray Redux)

    Torrent (720p)
    Torrent (1080p)

    Translation: Daxing Dan

    Typesetting: The0x539, Gyro

    Timing/Encoding/Release Check: Gyro

    Editing/Release Check: Josh

    Translation Check/Release Check: Lord Starfish

    Translation Check: Xemnas

    Quality Check: Gyro, Axelstone007, Toa of Gallifrey, JulesMFinWinnfield

    Special Thanks: MistaL and the crew at JJCA

    Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 09: The Run

    Torrent (720p)
    Torrent (1080p)

    Translation: Daxing Dan

    Typesetting: The0x539, Gyro

    Timing/Encoding/Release Check: Gyro

    Editing/Release Check: Josh

    Translation Check/Release Check: Lord Starfish

    Quality Check: Gyro, Axelstone007, Toa of Gallifrey, JulesMFinWinnfield

    Special Thanks: MistaL and the crew at JJCA, Billguncrash

    Pocket Monsters (2019) 022

    Torrent (720p)
    Torrent (1080p)

    Translation: Lord Starfish
    Timing: Lord Starfish, Toa of Gallifrey
    Editing: Puto
    Translation Check: bluesun
    Typesetting: Lord Starfish
    Encoding: Puto

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