Would you rather questions
Your classic "Would you rather?" questions are on rrrather. Play below by clicking on your choice, or use this list as a conversation starter. Compare your answer to the votes of others.
Would you rather
Win the lottery or Live twice as long
58% or
42% Would you rather
live in a world where there were no problems or live in a world where you rule
67% or
33% Would you rather have no one show up to
Your Wedding or Your Funeral
55% or
45% Would you rather find
true love or $10,000,000
50% or
50% Would you rather have more
Time or Money
48% or
52% Would you rather spend the day
Surfing on the ocean or Surfing the internet
Would you rather
take a European sight-seeing vacation or a relaxing Caribbean vacation
Would you rather
Go way back in time and meet your ancestors (Pre 1800's) or Go way into the future and meet your great grandchildren (Post 2200)
Would you rather
Live in Harry Potter's world or Live the life of fame and wealth
Would you rather date
a celebrity of your choice or your crush/the hottest person you know?
Would you rather be able to...
Fly or Read mind
Would you rather
get a dream vacation for two weeks or spend five days with anyone in the world, but you must stay in your hometown
Would you rather be
famous or the best friend of someone famous
Would you rather
have everlasting fame and fortune and nothing else or be with your love and nothing at all
Would you rather
be the richest person on the planet or immortal
Would you rather be a
Lawyer or Doctor
Would you rather
Have a rewind button in your life or Have a pause button in your life
Would you rather
Hakuna Matata or YOLO
Would you rather...
Be able to talk with all animals or Be able to speak all foreign languages
Would you rather
Legally change your last name to Hitler. or Never eat chocolate again.
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